Our people are our biggest asset. Our team comprises people who are genuinely interested in what we do, and are sincere in ensuring a safe and fruitful outcome. We adhere strictly to guidelines set out by the Ministry of Health Singapore in the daily operations of the centre, and constantly strive to achieve a higher standard of care for our patients.
Our Doctors
Find out more about our in-house doctors Dr Richard Teo and Dr Chow Yuen Ho.
Our Anaesthetists
We only use certified anaesthetists who are accredited by our Singapore Medical Council’s Specialist Accreditation Board. Our regular anaesthetist is a former head of department of anaesthesiology (Alexandra Hospital) and is a practising anaesthetist for over 30 years.
Find out more about Dr Lim Ee Koon here.
Our Nurses
We believe that a doctor’s staff is as important to your entire experience as your doctor is. And, we’re confident that our team is one of the best! Each of our staff members is armed with technical know-how, compassion, professionalism, and a genuine concern for your safety and well-being. We take patient care very seriously and we strive to exceed your greatest expectations. They are dedicated to ensuring both your comfort and safety throughout your encounter with us.
Our operating theatre is run by a MOH accredited perioperative-trained nurse, whose job is to ensure the strictest standards of sterility and safety in the OT. These include proper sterility and disinfection to ensure low post-operative infection rates, and ensuring all pre-operative safety checklists are completed before patients are operated on.
Aesthetic Clinic, Aesthetic Doctors, Aesthetic Surgery
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aesthetic doctor,
aesthetic surgeon